
Falling/Feeling - Guest Room Status (2024), dir. Zach Litzgus

Self-Titled - Guest Room Status (2023), dir. Zach Litzgus

OVERPASS (2022), dir. Zach Litzgus & Alex Acton-Jones
 * TIFF 48 Hour Film Competition Runner-up

WASTELAND (2020), dir. Zach Litzgus
* Ontario Independent Film Festival - Official Selection
* Vancouver Independent Film Festival - Official Selection

Past Tense - Guest Room Status (2023), dir. Zach Litzgus

Thawspace Session: Count Me Out - Guest Room Status (2022),
dir. Zach Litzgus

2022-11-03: a GRS Tour Blog (2022), dir. Zach Litzgus

All images belong to
Zach Litzgus
For prints and any other inquiries, contact


@zlitzgus & @thawspace